In this section you can find answers to all your questions

  1. Log in to Pokémon TCG Pocket and navigate to your profile. Copy your friend ID and paste it into Pocket Swap. The ID will look like this example: 5389-9988-5413-7016.
  2. In the profile section, copy your username and paste it into Pocket Swap.

Check out the tutorial video to learn all the steps and get started with ease!


Guest users on Pocket Swap have limited access to certain features of the app. This measure ensures a secure and manageable experience for both new and registered users. Although you cannot place trade requests, you can still access the Tips & Tricks section.

 Do you need further clarification or would you like to give us a suggestion?

To switch from guest to registered user on Pocket Swap, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings: click the dropdown menu at the top right. 
  • Click on Register Account.
  • Once this process is completed, your account will be registered.

 Check out the tutorial video to learn all the steps and get started with ease!



We use advertisements to support our website and app, allowing us to continue offering a high-quality, completely free service across all our platforms.

 Do you need further clarification or would you like to give us a suggestion?

Scan the QR code and download it now on your smartphone!

TelsOne - Innovation and Design are our DNA
Pocket Swap - All rights reserved Pocket Swap is not affiliated with Nintendo, Game Freak, or Creatures Inc.

