In this section you can find answers to all your questions

  1. Select your desired card

Click on Request and enter the expansion code and the card number of the card you want to add to your Dex; you can find this information in the card’s specifications.

  1. Select your duplicates

After selecting your desired card, choose the duplicate you’re willing to trade; you can select just one card or use the multiselection feature to list up to 5 alternative cards. This increases your chances of finding a match, but remember, trades are always 1 card for 1 card.

  1. Review and submit

Check the summary of your request. If everything is correct, click Confirm. If not, click Reset to cancel or modify the request; once confirmed, the system will begin searching for a match. If no trading partner is found immediately, your request will be saved in the Pending Request section.

Note: All trades take place exclusively on Pokémon TCG Pocket. Pocket Swap helps you find users to trade with, but the actual trade will be completed within the official app.

Check out the tutorial video to learn all the steps and get started with ease!


The matching system in Pocket Swap is designed to make trading seamless and efficient:

1.        Submit Your Trade Request:
Select the Pokémon card you want to receive and choose the duplicate(s) you're willing to offer in exchange.

2.        The Matching Process:
Your request is added to our system, where it’s matched with another user looking for the exact card you’re offering.
If a match is found, both users are notified immediately, and the trade moves to the next step.

3.        Coordinate Using the Chat:
Once matched, you can use the chat within Pocket Swap to coordinate with your trading partner. Discuss details like when to complete the trade on Pokémon TCG Pocket to ensure a smooth exchange.

4.        Finalize the Exchange:
Once matched, you’ll receive the other user’s Friend ID and username to add them on Pokémon TCG Pocket. From here, you can complete the trade directly in the official app.

5.        Leave Feedback:
After completing the trade, return to Pocket Swap to mark it as "Completed" and leave feedback about your trading partner.

 Check out the tutorial video to learn all the steps and get started with ease!


Scan the QR code and download it now on your smartphone!

TelsOne - Innovation and Design are our DNA
Pocket Swap - All rights reserved Pocket Swap is not affiliated with Nintendo, Game Freak, or Creatures Inc.

